II 1G Ex ia IIC T4 (-40oC ≤ Ta ≤ +55oC) @ 1.1W limitation, (-40oC ≤ Ta ≤ +65oC) @ 0.9W limitation. BS EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres – General Requirements. BS EN 60079-11:2012 Explosive Atmospheres – Equipment Protection by Intrinsic Safety “I”. BS EN 61010-1:2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – General requirements. UL913, Eighth Edition Intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus for use in Class I, II, III, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Locations. CSA-C22.2 No. 157-92. Intrinsically safe and Non-incendive Equipment for use in Hazardous Locations (Update No. 2). Contact sensors@ionscience.cn if you require further information.
What is the Intrinsic Safety rating for the MiniPID 2 sensor?
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