How often should I replace filters on my Tiger instrument?

How often should I replace filters on my Tiger instrument?

Con quale frequenza devo sostituire i filtri sul mio strumento Tiger?

How often should I replace filters on my Tiger instrument?

Filter replacement should be carried out as part of regular instrument maintenance, or immediately if signs of contamination appear. Frequency of replacement is typically after 100 hours, however this may differ depending on application and environmental conditions.

For more information, please contact


Filter replacement should be carried out as part of regular instrument maintenance, or immediately if signs of contamination appear. Frequency of replacement is typically after 100 hours, however this may differ depending on application and environmental conditions.

For more information, please contact


La sostituzione del filtro deve essere effettuata nell’ambito della regolare manutenzione dello strumento, o immediatamente se compaiono segni di contaminazione. La frequenza di sostituzione è tipicamente dopo 100 ore, ma può variare a seconda dell’applicazione e delle condizioni ambientali.

Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di contattare

Filter replacement should be carried out as part of regular instrument maintenance, or immediately if signs of contamination appear. Frequency of replacement is typically after 100 hours, however this may differ depending on application and environmental conditions.

For more information, please contact


