I have supplied the TVOC 2 with power. Why can I not see the 4 to 20 mA output?

I have supplied the TVOC 2 with power. Why can I not see the 4 to 20 mA output?

Ho alimentato il TVOC 2. Perché non riesco a vedere l’uscita 4-20 mA?

I have supplied the TVOC 2 with power. Why can I not see the 4 to 20 mA output?

The TVOC 2 only displays ppm readings. To obtain a 4 to 20mA output, 5 to 28 V must be supplied to the coloured connectors in the instrument.

Please see the manual for details or contact service@ionscience.cn.

The TVOC 2 only displays ppm readings. To obtain a 4 to 20mA output, 5 to 28 V must be supplied to the coloured connectors in the instrument.

Please see the manual for details or contact service@ionscience.cn.

Il TVOC 2 visualizza solo le letture ppm. Per ottenere un’uscita da 4 a 20 mA, è necessario fornire da 5 a 28 V ai connettori colorati dello strumento.

Si prega di consultare il manuale per i dettagli o di contattare service@ionscience.cn

The TVOC 2 only displays ppm readings. To obtain a 4 to 20mA output, 5 to 28 V must be supplied to the coloured connectors in the instrument.

Please see the manual for details or contact service@ionscience.cn.

