

Gas detectors for the Construction Industry

The construction industry has countless VOC sources that can be hazardous to our health. A mixture of paints, coatings and adhesives can contain hazardous compounds that are detectable using our PID technology found within our personal, portable and fixed VOC detectors. A build up in concentration over time can result in a dangerous situation where measurement may be useful.

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Application Article

Everything you need to know about PIDs In The Construction Industry

Our Application Articles are available to download below, they provide you with key information on the exposure limits and the locations of where potentially harmful gases can occur within your application and share information on the gas detection monitoring techniques and equipment that can help you manage gas detection in the workplace.

AA 257 PID In Construction Application Article

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Gas Detectors and Leak Detectors for the Construction Industry

Tiger Handheld VOC Gas Detector

The Tiger handheld VOC gas detector is a revolutionary portable PID instrument for rapid, accurate detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Tiger LT Portable VOC Gas Detector

The Tiger LT portable VOC gas detector is an entry-level, portable instrument for fast, accurate detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


Industry Guides

ION Science has a wealth of knowledge of gas detection technologies across many diverse industries and applications. This information has been collated into useful industry guides for you to download.

Please click the link below to view our range of industry resources:

Industry Guides

Industry Page Image (800x700)

Video Library

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How to select gases and alarms on Tiger VOC detectors

Ion Science demonstrate how to select a gas and set alarms on the Tiger handheld VOC detector.

Tiger – Handheld VOC Gas Detector

The Tiger handheld VOC gas detector is a revolutionary portable PID instrument for rapid, accurate detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Tiger LT – Handheld VOC Gas Detector

Tiger LT is an entry-level handheld VOC gas detector that provides you with fast, accurate, reliable results, however challenging your environment.

What does ppm look like?

The term Part Per Million is fairly self-explanatory, it’s simply the dilution of one matter into another but what does it actually look like?

